Viaman Extendor

Dispositivo | Pompa peniena

Cos’è Viaman Extendor?

Viaman Extendor è lo stato dell’arte per quanto riguarda le pompe peniene. Questa speciale pompa elettrica sfrutta la tecnologia vacuum penieno per stimolare la circolazione nei tessuti del pene con l’obiettivo di promuovere erezioni più dure e di dimensioni maggiori. È un prodotto di Viaman, brand leader per quanto riguarda l’innovazione dei prodotti a supporto della sessualità maschile. Questa speciale pompa peniena è stata sviluppata a seguito di molte ricerche che hanno coinvolto esperti nel campo della sessualità e dell’andrologia per riuscire a innovare il mondo delle pompe per il pene e il risultato è Viaman Extendor, una pompa vacuum che ti aiuterà a ritrovare la fiducia in te stesso in modo naturale.

Quali sono i benefici di Viaman Extendor?

Viaman Extendor offre una soluzione alternativa, economica e meno invasiva alla chirurgia peniena. L’utilizzo continuato di questa pompa peniena serve a ottenere erezioni più vigorose e un pene più grande in erezione, ritrovando così una maggiore sicurezza in sé stessi in modo completamente discreto.

Come funziona Viaman Extendor?

Questa speciale pompa peniena favorisce l’estensione dei corpi cavernosi del pene attraverso l’azione meccanica. La chiave sta nella speciale tecnologia Vacuum che permette ai tessuti di essere “allenati” a ottenere maggior volume, esattamente come accade con i muscoli quando si va in palestra. È possibile aumentare o diminuire la pressione a seconda delle proprie esigenze, così da modulare lo sforzo proprio come faresti durante una fase di allenamento.

Perché scegliere Viaman Extendor?

Perché si tratta di un prodotto sviluppato da Viaman, da anni uno dei brand leader negli integratori e dispositivi per la sessualità. Negli anni Viaman ha raccolto consensi sia tra gli esperti del settore, sia, soprattutto, tra i clienti, che continuano a rinnovare la loro fiducia acquistando i prodotti Viaman. Siamo sicuri della qualità di tutti i prodotti Viaman, per questo motivo anche Viaman Extendor è venduto con la Garanzia Soddisfatti o Rimborsati.

Come utilizzare Viaman Extendor

  1. Assicurati che tutte le parti siano assemblate
  2. Applica lubrificante prima dell’inserimento.
  3. Posiziona l’anello di silicone intorno alla base del membro.
  4. Assicurati che non ci siano spazi vuoti tra il membro e l’anello di silicone.
  5. Premi il tasto “+” una volta per avviare la pompa. Vedrai la luce blu lampeggiare una volta acceso il device.
  6. Premi il tasto "+" per aumentare la pressione.
  7. Se senti dolore o fastidio, premi il tasto '-' per ridurre la pressione fino al livello adatto a te.
  8. Premi il tasto "VALVE" per rilasciare la pressione.


reviews 5

94.51% Basato su 90 Recensioni dei clienti

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Funziona molto bene ed ha ottimi risultati

D Daniele D
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Prodotto di qualita' . Fa il suo dovere.

A Antonio
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Utile e facile da usare

A Andrea D
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Ho provato diverse soluzioni per guadagnare qualche centimetro…finalmente ho trovato quella giusta!

G Giovanni
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Non mi aspettavo grandi risultati, l’ho acquistato per il costo basso e per la garanzia soddisfatti o rimborsati. Sono contento di dire che non ho avuto bisogno di rispedirlo al mittente, ottimo strumento!

C Carlo
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Un vero miracolo.

M Massimo
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Dopo qualche tempo di utilizzo ho smesso di avere problemi a spogliarmi con le luci accese. Non mi pare vero.

P Paolo
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A Antonio
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Non pensavo potesse funzionare, l’ho comprato quasi per scherzo. Devo dire che vedo una differenza che non pensavo possibile, sia per le dimensioni (con più sangue in erezione è più grande), sia per la durezza. Consigliatissimo.

L Lorenzo
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Sto superando piano piano tutte le insicurezze che avevo. Non fa miracoli, ma la differenza si vede eccome.

C Claudio
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L’ho acquistato per mio marito, visto che negli ultimi tempi la nostra vita sessuale era un po’ calata. All’inizio si è offeso, ma dopo aver iniziato a utilizzarlo regolarmente è tornato il toro di prima!

E Elisa
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Consigliato a chiunque sia insicuro delle proprie erezioni. Una volta che ci si abitua all’idea di usarlo, si vedono i risultati.

A Alessio
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La soluzione definitiva alle insicurezze legate alle dimensioni.

M Michele
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Mein Penis sieht jetzt aus wie einer aus den Filmen

J Jason
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Mein Frau schien nie glücklicher zu sein

N Nicolaus
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Meine Penisgröße stieg um 3 Zoll

G Gustav
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enormer Zuwachs an Selbstvertrauen, wenn ich das benutze

M Manasey
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Meine Frau hat aufgehört, sich über meine Größe zu beschweren, nachdem ich das benutzt habe

G George
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Mein Penis wurde früher nie hart, jetzt tut er es. wirklich dankbar für dieses Produkt

J John
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Viel besser als viagra!

A Alex
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Ich bin danach viel dicker geworden

T Tony
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Meine Freundin ist jetzt zufrieden

R Rick
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Mein Freund wuchs massiv, nachdem er das benutzt hatte. Dieses Produkt ist ein bester Freund für Mädchen

T Tina
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Absolute life saver!!! This thing has done wonders for me. I am more confident and just feel like I can take on the world!

J John
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I didn’t have high expectations… but I have to say, this has been BRILLIANT! My s*x life has never been better!

K Keith
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I have been suffering with ED for the last few years and have been taking pills because that was my only option. I was clearly wrong, this has been brilliant and I am bigger and last longer!

M Michael
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I LOVE THIS, I bought this for my husband, at first he was offended, but since he has been using it, our s*x life has been phenomenal! Would never go back!

C Claire
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What a god send, went from zero to hero! Love it!

T Tony
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How did I not know something like this existed? My husband is getting a bit older and struggles to… perform. This has been amazing! I would never go back and he uses it all the time! He seems more confident too which is great

L Lisa
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I always was a bit insecure about my size. After using this I have gotten bigger, my sex drive has gone up and I am feeling great!

L Laurence
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I have bought this for my husband, we haven’t had a chance to use it yet, but it seems to be really high quality and the customer service team was great, will update the review once we have tried it

G Gina
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My boyfriend and I love this thing, he has not stopped using it since I bought it for him, and I have been enjoying our nights together ALOT more

A Alicia
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YES YES YES!!! This is what I have been searching for! Works amazingly and does exactly what it says on the tin!

M Michael
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Finally got something that solved my ED problem! Was tired of using products that claimed to help but did nothing! Thanks, Viaman Extendor!

C Chandler
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What a confidence booster! Have been using it for a month now. Every time I use it, I feel so confident while having s*x with my partner. Would highly recommend!

D Daniel
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Received it in completely discreet packaging, so I could thankfully keep it a secret! It works like magic whenever I use it!

S Stan
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Ordered it recently, impressed with the fast delivery! Didn’t get a chance to use it but I definitely like its ergonomic design and the easy-to-understand user manual. Hope it will be of much help!

M Martin
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I bought it for my boyfriend and although he was super sceptical to use it, he just loved the results. Honestly, I enjoy having s*ex with him more now! My bf is very satisfied to see how easy this device is to use

C Christina
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My husband has used it twice now. The result is so evident! Wanted to thank Viaman for launching this product! It rekindled our romance and now we are even more into each other!

M Molly
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Used it once, will use it every time I feel like having s*x. My wife just loves my size now, she is so satisfied!

L Leo
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The most easy-to-use solution for ED problems that I have come across. The best thing is that it actually works, unlike other enhancement tablets or devices. Must Buy!

R Reynold
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I won’t need to go to a doc to discuss my embarrassing problem anymore, now that’s a relief! Will use this and update my review. My friend has benefitted and lot from it and I bought it on his recommendation. Hope it works for me too!

C Chase
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Guys if you have been struggling to get it up and get it hard, just trust this device! It really does wonders! I and my wife are so happy with the outcome!

B Boston
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Den er jeg glad for

K Kristian S
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Den er fantastisk pumpen giver mig lige lidt ekstra længde hver gang.

B Bjarne
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Virker som beskrevet.

M Michael
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Hurtig levering og har endelig fundet noget der kan hjælpe mig med at få en hård rejsning hver gang.

K Kasper
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Holder hvad det lover.

L Lars
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Er absolut ikke skuffet. Er efterhånden kommet lidt op i årene og har problemer med at få rejsning selvom lysten er der. Det er virkelig irriterende men denne penispumpe hjælper hver gang.

S Søren
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Kan både mærke og se at jeg får en større pik når jeg bruger den.

M Mahmoud
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Penis bliver større og min erektion er virkelig hård. Så kan klart anbefales.

A Ahmed
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Hurtig levering og pumpen er billigere end andre steder.

S Steffen
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Hjælper mig med at få erektion.

W William
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Har først lige fået den ind af døren så det er tidligt at vurdere om den er god eller ej. Men jeg opdaterer anmeldelsen når jeg først får den prøvet.

D Danni
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Superbe produit

j jean L
Acquisto verificato

Conforme la description et de qualité

M M. D
Acquisto verificato

Matériel très fonctionnel...

C Claude P
Acquisto verificato

Je n’y croyais pas. Il faut être patient, mais à la fin ça paie. Il a grandi de 2 cm et surtout, aide à le garder très dur. Une sensation géniale.

L Le roi lion
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Cette pompe est incroyable. Il faut l’essayer pour s’en convaincre. JE ne peux plus m’en passer, moi qui avait perdu espoir d’être un Casanova

R Rafael
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Excellent produit. La qualité des matériaux utilisés inspire confiance. Ma seule interrogation est, est-ce-que l’effet est durable ou bien ça s’arrête quand on arrête d’utiliser la pompe?

K Karl
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Ma femme se plaignait dernièrement que je n’étais plus à la hauteur au lit. Elle pensait que je la trouvais pas belle alors que ça n’A rien avoir. Cette pompe m’a énormément aidé à redevenir le ‘patron’ au lit.

S Samir
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Excellent produit. Je recommande. 5/5

S Steven
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Quel plaisir de se sentir à nouveau en forme quand on passe à l'acte

H Hugo
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J’ai offert cette pompe à mon mari qui n’en voulait pas au début. Pourtant, il n’y a pas de honte à avoir un coup de pouce pour retrouver son entrain au lit. Aujourd’hui, il est content du résultat, et moi encore plus lol

N Nadine
Acquisto verificato

Je recommande vivement. J’ai rarement vu un produit qui marche aussi bien. Mais attention, il faut pas s’attendre à un résultat du jour au lendemain. Un peu de patience, et vous finirez par avoir ce que vous voulez.

R Richard
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L’appareil fonctionne bien mais douloureux au niveau de la base du s*xe car le caoutchouc protège très peu cette endroit le serre fortement

É Étienne
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Goed product

a ar S
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Erg goede pomp die een flinke vergroting veroorzaakt

R Ralph
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Doet niet zo veel bij mij

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Fijne pomp, goed dat die elektrisch is. Veel handiger dan handmatig.

J Joost
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Viaman was mij al bekend via deze website - ik heb eerst viaman supplementeng gebruikt en nu gebruik ik ook deze pomp om maximaal groot te zijn in bed. Ik raad het zeker aan!

A Anoniem
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Top pomp

A Anoniem
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A Anoniem
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Deze pomp is erg fijn. Jaren geleden heb ik ook een Extendor gehad, maar helaas heb ik de oplader gebroken. Ik was er altijd erg tevreden over. Ik heb nu deze weer gekocht.

B Berend
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Prima apparaat

A Anoniem
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Geweldig apparaat die doet wat hij moet doen

J Jason
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Kwalitatief apparaat: het kost wat maar het resultaat mag er wel zijn.

A Anoniem
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Fijn in gebruik en goede kwaliteit

P Pepijn
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Ik merk al wel verschil.

G G.
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Det är jätte bra jag tycker om

B Bassam
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Denna pump har verkligen räddat mitt sexliv.

B Benjamin
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Både jag och min fru har blivit riktigt glada efter att ha köpt denna enkla produkten.

S Stig
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Köpte denna åt min man för att se om den skulle kunna hjälpa till och jag är absolut nöjd med resultatet som min man har fått efter att ha använt den. Rekommenderar den starkt!

M Maria
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Bra produkt

M Mohammed
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Snabb smidig leverans och enkel att beställa. Produkten gör som den säger.

M Mustafa
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Min man är mycket gladare efter att ha använt denna produkten, han är mer självsäker och självklart är situationen i sovrummet mycket bättre också.

F Frida
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Sökte efter en lätt och smidig produkt och fick hjälp att hitta denna produkt från den trevliga kundtjänsten.

D David
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Testat olika produkter för att få ett bra resultat och denna har visats vara den bästa

J Jakob
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Kan inte klaga då jag sett ett resultat extremt fort.

P Peter
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Enkel produkt och snabb leverans

H Hasasn

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